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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 11/03/04
NOVEMBER 3, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water and Sewer Superintendent
Edward Smith, Police Chief

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairman Steven Neill called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  He welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of October 20, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  Jon LeClair noted that on page 2 the discussion and motion on Ernie Case’s driveway occurred after he arrived at the meeting, therefore, should be moved from page 2 under Water and Sewer Departments to page 4 after the Great Country Road agenda item even though this is a Water and Sewer Department issue.   Jon LeClair and Steve Neill were in favor, the motion carried.

Police Department:  Chief Smith announced that two officers completed the part time Police Academy and will soon be on board with the department.  For the next two days Chief Smith will be attending training seminars put on by Primex.     

Highway Department:  Keith Weed advised that they have cut the dead trees on Main Street, and restored the disturbed areas.  On Perry Avenue where there is a drainage problem they never found the drainpipe so they will find somebody to locate the line.  Last Friday they spent one-half day at Patch Park getting it ready for winter.  They worked with Dave Duquette and his crew on Lovers Lane and repaired two manhole covers.  They are still working on the winter equipment and the plows are all set.  The trees on South Hemlock are scheduled to be removed on November 17th and 18th.  Tomorrow they expect to start the ditching on the Unity Stage Road.  Keith Weed and Dave Duquette will be in Concord tomorrow to attend a FEMA workshop.  Steve Neill noted that the steps look good at the old Town Hall.

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette said the crew had been working on the water line from Bob Frizzell’s to Champney’s yard and tied it in so that line is completely new.  There is only one section of old 12” left now that goes back to the early 1900s.  All of the new services are tied in.  Today they started in on the new booster pump stations.  This week they took the heating people around and got all of the boilers serviced.  Responding to a question from Steve Neill, Dave Duquette said they have to do more investigating on Jones Road to figure out how the job was originally done.

Brenda Ferland arrived at the meeting at this time.

Finance Committee:  Rick St. Pierre advised that he was elected the Chairman of the Finance Committee.  He has some issues he wishes to address with the Selectboard.  Copies of a proposal to make the process more efficient were distributed and he stated that the Selectboard has come to believe that Charlestown’s budget preparation process has become too cumbersome and time consuming over the past several years.  This past Monday night he was taken back that the Selectboard had come up with a recommended proposal but it wasn’t talked about.  He would like to see if the Selectboard would be willing to reverse their decision and go back to the old format.  They feel that the Finance Committee has been pushed aside.  Steve Neill responded that the Selectboard was not trying to push the Finance Committee off.  He would be willing to give the committee the opportunity to meet with all the Department Heads and give them the requests that came from them.  The one option that might help is that the Committee can do their own thing with last years budget and the Selectboard will do it on their own and then mesh the two; have separate meetings and then put them together.  Rick St. Pierre did not feel this would save that much time and feels we should be doing it together.  

Jon LeClair noted that the Selectboard came to their decision because last year they came to the meeting and told the Finance Committee that the Selectboard would do their homework first.  One of the things that always seemed to drag on was the employee evaluations and pay raises; hopefully, by doing this in October they were able to speed up and streamline the process.  Last year the deadline for the proposed budget was barely met.  Some nights we hardly accomplished anything.  The Selectboard wants to work with the Finance Committee and present a unified budget to the people.  They just want to speed up the process and get it done.  There are some areas such as wages that are “off the table” but some committee members want to keep going back to them.  Rick St. Pierre advised that the committee members realize this, they talked it over and six members are here tonight.  

Brenda Ferland’s concern is that the Department Heads get the notice to come in and they present their budget, they should not have to come back in several times.  She would be willing to try it again but wants everyone to be prepared and stay focused.  The Selectboard will deal with personnel issues and insurance benefits.  Rick St. Pierre agreed that the Finance Committee would not bring up the finances of an employee except in general terms and keep things confidential.  Jon LeClair said one of the things he doesn’t mind discussing is the insurances as there are a few areas that should be discussed; it is getting very expensive.  Our package is not out of line with other towns of the same size.  If somebody wants to offer alternatives it is okay with him.  

Dave Edkins feels the intent was never to cut the Committee out of the process but an advantage of the Selectboard doing it this way was that the Finance Committee would see the bottom line right from the start and then adjustments could be made.  Rick St. Pierre felt that everyone came to an agreement to try going back to the old format; he will be the spokesman and run the meetings.  He doesn’t like long meetings and will try to move them along.  It was agreed that the meetings would be held on Monday nights, beginning at 6:30 P.M. and last approximately two hours.  Dave Edkins will mail a full budget to the Finance Committee based on the Department Head requests but minus the employee wages and adjustments before the end of the week so they will have it in advance of the meeting.

The Department Heads did not need a Nonpublic Session.

Fling Road:  Fred Poisson asked for an up-date on the Fling Road bridge/sewer project as residents in that area have waited two years to hook on.  Steve Neill advised that they are trying to figure out what to do with the bridge.  The money that is appropriated will not disappear at the end of the year.  The bids that came in were way more than the project was worth so they are trying to get some alternatives on a smaller scale.  Dave Edkins explained that the bridge that was engineered for that project was similar in size to the Old Claremont Road, a big bridge but for a smaller road and had a big price tag on it; more than was appropriated.  The Selectboard decided to ask the contractors, that originally bid on the project, to look at repairing or replacing the existing culvert rather than build a new bridge.  There were also problems obtaining the easements; we obtained an easement for one side but not the other.  We are working on scaling back the project.  Fred Poisson advised that there are ten residents waiting for the sewer line; some people have faulty sewer systems.  There was discussion relative to running the sewer line around the culvert itself rather than into it.  Dave Duquette felt it would work but he would have to apply for the permits.  

Bid Openings:  Tom Minickiello questioned the fact that bids used to be opened at Selectboard meetings but we have gotten away from that.  Steve Neill noted that there was a bid opening on tax sale properties last Monday afternoon.  Dave Edkins explained that the bid openings are posted on the four Town bulletin boards.  Tom Minickiello asked about publishing in the Eagle Times to let the people know; that is one reason why he buys the newspaper.  

There were no Selectboard comments.


Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the nonpublic Selectboard meeting of October 20, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  Brenda Ferland and Steve Neill were in favor; the motion carried.  Jon LeClair abstained, as he was not present at this meeting.  

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  Accounts Payable vouchers were approved.  There was no payroll this week.  

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Orders:  1) Lexus Nexus $305.70; 2) Highway –Blaktop $473.88; 3) Ambulance –Moore Medical; and 4) Water Department–Delano Brothers $300.40.  
Abatements:  The Selectboard approved the following Abatements:  1) Bacon property - $1,047.82 because the Town leases the property for a nature trail; 2) For a new manufactured home –pro-rated to August 15th -$572.56; 3) For a new manufactured home –pro-rated from September 20th - $251.12; 4) For a new manufactured home –pro-rated from September 15th -$704.74; 5) For a new manufactured home –pro-rated from June 16th - $206.72; and 6) Assessment done for a new home; a new bill will be issued - $234.20.  

The Selectboard approved and signed the Abatement for old, uncollectable ambulance amounts back to July of 2000 in the amount of $18,228.46.

Yield Tax:  The Selectboard felt that the Yield Tax that resulted in a lien against the Town should be taken care of through the courts and then the Town will deal with the Abatement.

Veteran’s Tax Credit:  A Veteran’s Tax Credit was approved and signed by the Selectboard.

Intent to Cut:  The Selectboard approved one Notice of Intent to Cut about 18 acres of a 20-acre parcel on the Sam Putnam Road.  The Selectboard did not sign a Notice of Intent to Cut on Coral Avenue for 14.3 acres until the form is complete.  

Land Use Change Tax:  The Selectboard approved and signed a Land Use Change Tax warrant for Whelen Engineering.

Cemetery Lot:  The Selectboard approved and signed a Cemetery Lot Deed.

Purchase & Sales Agreement/Quit Claim Deed:  The Selectboard signed a Purchase & Sales Agreement for one of the properties on the Sam Putnam Road that the Town took for taxes in the amount of $53,561.00.  The Selectboard also signed a Quit Claim Deed for the same property.    

There was a consensus of the Selectboard to set the two floating holidays for 2005 as follows:  1) Monday, February 21st, Presidents’ Day; and 2) Monday, October 10th, Columbus Day.  It was noted that the Highway Department preferred Veteran’s Day rather than Columbus Day.  The Transfer Station schedule will be different as their workweek differs from other Town employees.

Thank You:  The Selectboard sent a “Thank You” letter to Ray St. Sauveur for doing the lettering for the new radar display unit at no cost to the town.  

Community Alliance:  A proposed contract for next year was received from Community Alliance.  Last year the Town paid them $11,000 to administer the welfare program but they are looking for an 18% increase this year.  There was a consensus to talk to them about the proposed increase.

State of New Hampshire:  An agreement was received from the State of New Hampshire regarding welfare assistance.  If the Town renders welfare assistance in anticipation of disability income to tide people over until the assistance comes in then the State will reimburse the Town once the disability becomes available.

Brenda Ferland moved to accept the Town Interim Assistance Agreement between the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services and Town of Charlestown.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  All in favor, so voted.

Bakery Building:  Brenda Ferland went back to Normand Beaudry Construction and asked for a new ceiling bid to drop the ceiling and for extra tiles to keep in storage; the new bid is in the amount of $5,000.  The handicapped bathroom bid was $18,540.  Jon LeClair felt it might be better to do the electrical work before the new ceilings are installed.  Steve Neill suggested that the Selectboard find out what is left in the line item and see if the bathrooms can be done first.

Tax Rate:  The State Department of Revenue Administration set the Town Tax Rate at $30.46.  This is a $3.54 decrease from last year’s rate.

Heating System:  Tom Minickiello suggested that with the price of oil the Town should fix some of the radiators so they are all working to try to conserve fuel oil.  Steve Neill noted that they would look into it.

Dave Edkins had no additional business at this meeting.

Conservation Commission – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair advised that there have been no meetings this month.

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair said there have been no meetings since last month.

Ambulance Department – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland said there have been no meetings this month.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Commission had an informal discussion meeting; no officers were elected.  The current Commission consists of four people and, through the discussion, they would like to have a few more members.  Joyce Higgins wrote a letter to the Selectboard requesting two more members and recommended Wesley VanVelsor and Barbara Jones.  The next meeting is November 19th and it will be posted.

Brenda Ferland moved to approve the appointment of Wesley VanVelsor and Barbara Jones as members of the Heritage Commission.  Seconded by Jon LeClair.  All in favor, so voted.    

CEDA – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that CEDA usually meets the third week of the month.  Tonight there was a special meeting to talk about some options on the Gristmill property.  Hopefully they will get a plan in place and have their regular meeting.

Planning Board – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that the Planning Board met last night.  They gave final approval with conditions to Andrew and Lori Cook for a two lot subdivision on Route 12A.  They accepted as complete a proposal from Justin Shaw to convert the Charlestown Bible Church building into three apartments.  Approval was given for a Sign Permit for Peter Wojenski for a car sales business at the Frank’s Bargain Center complex.

Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission:  Brenda Ferland attended a meeting of the UVLSRPC in Newport with the Department of Transportation on the Ten Year Highway Plan.  The DOT will take these meetings around the State develop a new proposal for the legislature.  The Route 12 project came up – the question came up as to whether they will fix it for the future or just do a temporary band aid job.

Connecticut River Byway Commission:  There will be a meeting of the Connecticut River Byway Commission and the Connecticut River Joint Commissions on Tuesday, November 9th in Bellows Falls.  Copies of the Invitation For a Public Hearing notice will be given to the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission.

There being no other business, Brenda Ferland moved to adjourn the meeting.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:25 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                      Approved

                                                                Steven A. Neill, Chair

                                                                Brenda L. Ferland

                                                                Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the November 17th, 2004, Selectboard meeting.)